Mikrocodides chlaena; typical are the asymmetric toes; the smaller one is directed dorsally. |
Mikrocodides chlaena; specimen from (2) |
Mikrocodides chlaena; specimen from (3); focus plane on the dorsal antenna. |
Mikrocodides chlaena; same specimen ; focus plane on the right lateral antenna. (3) |
Mikrocodides chlaena; two aspects of the trophi, different focus planes (2). |
Sample (3) courtesy of Dr. Martin Kreutz, realmicrolife. |
Location: Radevormwald, Wuppertalsperre, Ausgleichsgewässer (1); Mariaveen near Griendsveen/ NL, pond with Utricularia sp. (2) ; Simmelried near Konstanz, BW, Germany; Sphagnum pond (3) |
Habitat: Periphyton (1); Periphyton (2); psammon (3) |
Date: 17.06.2011 (1); 16.11.2018 (2); 25.07.2021 (3) |